DuckDuckGo is regarded as one of the best search engines for private browsing, and it is for this reason why it has gained market share in recent years. I’ve put max_images as 300 because some of the urls were not working, so I counted all the folder contents and put a condition to limit the images to 100 with len(files). While DuckDuckGo has increased in popularity recently, it still only holds around a 1.5 share of the search market in the U.S.

click the three dots at the beginning of the output box everytime it fills up with the green bars…and wait for a bit… If you are executing in colab, clear the outputs while execution, so that the downloads process complete faster. #code starts here !pip install -Uqq fastbook The problem with DuckDuckGo is that they do not have an official API, so the functions of fastai relies on the particular structure of their web interface, which may change. In the article, youll read about: Why Would You Need an Alternative to Google Bing. The bing image search need you to signup for azure, and its a hassle.